Focus Group
I formed a focus group of 20 people within my target audience to get feedback on ideas for names, colour schemes and themes among many other things
I made a group chat to communicate with each member of the group directly, enabling me to send mock ups and photos to everyone at the same time and get an instant response.
The first ideas I pitched to my group were several different potential names of the magazine which were as follows;
- Chord
- Alt.
- Amped
- Wave
- Switch
The next task was to decide on a font to use, I tested several different ones and chose to pitch the following to my group:
(Sacco Semi Bold)
The response from my focus group was varied, some suggested improvements included:
- More colours
- More detail, instead of just small pieces of text
- Bigger title
Taking on board some of these suggestions, I drafted a second mock up to present to the group again,
The group were far more enthusiastic when shown this cover, they agreed that the layout was far more interesting and appealing, they preferred the colour scheme, out of my 20 person group 16 preferred the second cover. However, the group felt the vertical lettering was unconventional and preferred it the way it had been before
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