School Magazine Research

Front Covers

This front cover is titled "Wilmo Weekly" it uses a single photo of a student writing in medium close up. The photo is taken slightly to the left and the subject is facing down towards the book. There is little text used across the cover. The name of the magazine is placed on the left hand side at the top of the page, it remains at the foreground of the cover and isn't obstructed by the image in any way. The text used is bold and the letter W is put on a blue background. The text has a design running across it and is written in two colours. The other text on the page is placed down the left hand side and details the contents of the magazine. The text is written in all capitals and uses three different colours, red, white and purple, in two different sizes alongside a line reading "strip away stress" in the same font but in blue running across the bottom.
The cover appears quite chaotic and has a lot of different colours, text sizes and fonts going on. The image used is of good quality and the texts fits in with the image so as not to obstruct it.

This cover appears a great deal more professional than the previous one. It is much clearer and less chaotic. The photo used features two young students on a computer and is the only one on the cover but does not take up the entire page, The name of the magazine "International School" is placed at the top alongside a logo and a tag on line. The title is written in a bold black font and the tag on is written on a blue background in a small white font. The only other text is placed at the bottom. A black opaque banner at the bottom serves as a background for the contents of the magazine in small white text and above it a blue banner in white text reading "international education in the digital age".  The image used is a two shot of the students and is of good quality. It is relevant to the contents of the magazine which appears to be about technology as they are on a computer. 

Codes and Conventions of School Magazine Covers:
- Single photo of student/students
- Varying amounts of text
- Title at the top of the cover
- Several colours used
- Text going around the image


Codes and Conventions of School Magazine Contents:
- At least one picture
- Plain or blurred background
- Text running from the left hand side
- Title at the top

Image result for school magazine contents pageImage result for school magazine contents pageImage result for school magazine contents page


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